<完全予約制・ Remote Adjustment Available> If you are suffering from stiff shoulders ・, back pain, insomnia, depression, or any other physical or mental disorder that is not getting better …, try TDE ( Transcen Dental Energy ) is used to adjust the spine, pelvis, muscles, organs, and nerves, This is a treatment method that uses the energy of Transcen Dental Energy to adjust the spine, pelvis, muscles, internal organs, and nerves in order to restore the body and mind. This technique has been studied for more than 30 years and is said to be a revolutionary treatment method that works not only on the human skeleton ( skull, spine, pelvis, etc. ) and muscles, but also on internal organs, nerves, and cells. With just a light touch of the hand, the treatment works on the natural metabolism and healing power of the human body.

<完全予約制・ Remote adjustment available>stiff shoulders ・ back pain ・ dizziness ・ cold ・ headache ・ depression ・ general physical problems ・ no relief after various treatments ・ no clue why ・ hibernation etc … If you are suffering from any problems, please give it a try. This is a soft treatment that only requires a light touch of the hand, and works on the natural metabolism and healing power of the human body.

TDE adjustment …
TDE ( Transcen Dental Energy ) is a treatment method that uses TDE energy to adjust the spine, pelvis, muscles, organs, and nerves in order to restore the body and mind. This technique has been studied for more than 30 years and is said to be a revolutionary treatment method that uses energy to work not only on the human skeleton ( skull, spine, pelvis, etc. ) and muscles, but also on internal organs, nerves, and cells. With just a light touch of the hand, it works on the natural metabolism and healing power of the human body.


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