Town Guide
- 03/01We are a studio specializing in personal training, waiting for you ! Acupuncture & Moxibustion / Body Conditioning(小濱トレーニングジム)
- 03/01The "Owl Castle," a cafe where you can meet the owl that brings you happiness, has a friendly owl waiting for you ! Puppy ・ We also have a store specializing in owls, so please visit us when you come to the cafe. Please visit us when you come to the café.(楽鳥園/ゴールデンベル/ふくろうの城)
- 02/28We are a junior soccer academy and junior youth soccer team based in Kisarazu. We are always looking for players. Thank you for your cooperation.(株式会社LIBERDADE)
- 02/28Aqua Kazusa is a relaxing space where you can release your mind and body. Pool, jacuzzi, gym, yoga studio, sauna, tennis court.(アカデミアスポーツクラブ アクアかずさ)
- 02/28(鍼灸コンディショニング Brillio)
- 02/28On" was created by renovating a vacant house in Wakamiya Danchi. Our menu is characterized by the use of fermented seasonings ! Fermented seasonings are believed to be effective in improving the intestinal environment and boosting immunity, and we incorporate them in the hopes that our customers will enjoy delicious food and stay healthy.(On
- 02/28Nail school with JNA certified instructors in Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture / We will do our best to back up "future manicurists" !.(Latte NAIL SCHOOL)
- 02/27For all your bedding needs, Todaya Bedding Store has a sleep environment advisor ! Just by changing your bedding, you can change the way you sleep ! We are now offering free sleep consultations ! Please feel free to consult us about down reform, futon re-covering, bedding replacement, sleep consultations, or any other matters. We also offer futon rental service.(戸田屋寝具店)
- 02/27(千葉土建一般労働組合市原支部)
- 02/252/23 ~ Closed for a while* <わらび餅専門店 門藤 市原店> You can enjoy not only the elegant and luxurious Honwarabimochi "Zeimi" but also strawberry latte, roasted tea latte, coffee latte, green tea latte and other strawbaked rice cake drinks.(わらび餅専門店 門藤 市原店)
Hot List
- 03/02まちかどホットリスト (Cafe Plumeri)
- 03/01For marriage activity women in their 30s, 40s and 50s. ! Free ! Special Lecture on Makeup to Make You Look Younger and More Attractive to Men in Marriage Activities
March Schedule ( 5 sessions held ). (結婚相談所 rose-mariage) - 03/01Children who are not good at exercise are welcome ! Free trial from March to May / Now, registration fee is 0 yen ✨. (スポーツクラブ ビッグ・エス千城台)
- 03/01Under 39 privileges ! Full-time access to all facilities ★ < Under39 membership > (スポーツクラブ ビッグ・エス千城台)
- 03/01Trial by Requesting Information] Popular Foods Now Available in 500-yen Trial Set !. (生活クラブ生活協同組合)
- 03/01\ Online English conversation for the whole family / Recommendation to share the number of times ✨. (エドワード・イングリッシュ・クラス 千種...)
- 03/01Our child's mini size] We will fulfill your wish to stay with us forever. (山田羊毛雑貨店)
- 02/28We offer all-hand massage from head to toe in a healing space of a completely private room ♪. (Sweets House)
- 02/28flower market (tassoの森の駅 農産物直売所&フード...)
- 02/28Calendar of Events for March💐. (tassoの森の駅 農産物直売所&フード...)
- 03/01幕張コミュニティセンター!学生さんの春休み応援「無料自習室」
- 03/01女性二人の講演会~自閉症児の心に向き合って~千葉に花のあふれる街づくりを~
- 02/28Kominato Railway to be in Partnership with the Community" exhibition commemorating the 100th anniversary of the opening of the Kominato Railway between Goi and Satomi Stations.
- 02/28Kazusa DNA Research Institute Open House
- 02/28Keiko Yajima's Hitokata Dolls: The World of Sumi-e Ink Painting by Hideyuki Kawamura
- 02/27Ichihara Hatachi Trolley 2025
- 02/27Doggie na Harbor vol.11
- 02/27Spring Footpath Walk
- 02/20Akira Nakao Collection Exhibition in Kanada < No application required/free admission >.
- 02/183/16, 3/30 "Kinuta Flea Market & Flea Live" will be held ! Vendors wanted!
Buy & Sell
Daily life
Local Flyer
- 03/01Sendo's Doll Festival Party 🌸. (せんどう木更津店)
- 03/01Tokyo Disney Resort Park Ticket Present Campaign (いなげや 木更津請西店)
- 03/018x points for 2 consecutive days !. (VERY FOODS尾張屋)
- 03/01Hina Matsuri ♥♥Kawaii ❤Hina Party !. (いなげや 木更津請西店)
- 03/01Inventory Clearance Big Sale - 55 cars in a row! (ロータスイシヤマ)
- 02/28Monozukuri Viking & Minecraft (市民パソコン塾)
- 02/27Daily specials ! ! Stores : Kimitsu store ・ Onuki store ・ Iwane store ・ Kisarazu store (VERY FOODS尾張屋)
- 02/27< March 2 ( Sun ) until > High Value Purchase Festival ! 25% more gold purchase price (買取大吉 アピタパワー君津店)
- 02/26ing basic points 3x sale < 2/26 ( Wed ) only >. (いなげや 木更津請西店)
- 02/26March Mobile Police Box News (木更津警察署)
Find Info
- 03/01Citizen Appreciation Day" at Chiba City Local Wholesale Market !.
- 03/01Origami "Spring is in full bloom ・ 3D Cherry Blossoms
- 02/28The 4th "The World of Fukasawa Yukio's Glass Paintings" in 2024 !.
- 02/28Spring ・ GW Exhibition "Stationery Dissection !" will be held!
- 02/27Coffee beans are also very popular !.
- 02/27Beautifying Parks for Everyone ! Why don't you start a park protection activity ??
- 02/24March 1! Takataki Lakeside Night Festival ~ A Night of Light and Prayer Spinning History ~.
- 02/24★ KIFA Children's English Class ( Circle ) Call for Participants < Language Exchange Group >
- 02/24★ KIFA International Exchange Salon, Call for Participants < Foreigners' Group >
- 02/21Local Studies Course "Kisarazu Fudoki" Predicting the Cherry Blossom Blossom in Ohtayama Park ~ Let's all check our genes and predict the blooming of the cherry trees! ~
Gig Work
- 11/11Pet appraiser Voice ema, a voice for small lives
- 03/16I'm going to play the ocarina at the facility !.
- 12/11Dream Life Coaching Learning from Nature
- 02/03We teach health qigong "Forest Bathing Qigong".
- 12/24Sun Plaza Ichihara Guitar/Ukulele Lesson Enrollment Campaign!
- 11/12We teach health qigong "Forest Bathing Qigong".
- 11/12健康気功「森林浴気功」をお教えします。
- 09/02Supporting Your Musical Life ♪ 《Enjoyable ♪ Music Theory Online MUSIC》
- 06/10【ワイン初心者】オンラインでソムリエがワインの基礎を伝授!Zoomかテキストかお選びいただけます。
- 03/15オンラインでジャズに限らず幅広い分野で、演奏やアレンジ、作曲を教えます♪
Find Job
- 03/01Oyumi Store] Manufacturing of boxed lunches ・ Sales staff wanted ! <未経験OK/週2日~ Work OK ! >.
- 03/01Aobadai Store] Manufacturing lunch boxes ・ Sales staff wanted ! < No experience required/2 days a week ~ Work OK ! >
- 02/28We are looking for people who are willing to work as support staff ? !.
- 02/271 week ~ OK ! Supporting the lives in a group home for people with disabilities ?
- 02/25Telephone Appointment Callers wanted all over Japan ! ! Remote work is available. Join us to promote local communication ?.
- 02/25<コンサルティングセールス> Staff wanted ! No experience necessary if you are motivated
- 02/21<<館山エリア・ Kisarazu Area Wanted ! >>Deliver "Vivinavi" to the community once a month !
- 02/21<コンサルティングセールス> Staff wanted ! No experience necessary if you are motivated
- 02/21<コンサルティングセールス> Staff wanted ! No experience necessary if you are motivated
- 02/20Urgent / Oyumi store] Bento box lunch production ・ Sales < Full-time > Recruitment !
- 10/14Old private house WAKANANA | Please use it for coworking space or events.
- 10/06Kisarazu International Friendship Association [KIFA] - YouTube
- 10/06chibacityPR - YouTube
- 09/27Boso-Tamaki Sushi Healthy Cooking
- 09/27Ario Ichihara Official Channel
- 09/27I'Museum Channel ( Ichihara Museum of History [Official] )
- 09/27Cafe&Bar For-rest For-rest" Ichihara City, Ichihara City, 20's couple running a cafe!
- 06/05Kisarazu's hideaway shisha bar CHILULU SHISHA
- 05/15CHILULU Shisha, a small water cigarette bar in a back alley in Kisarazu
- 04/27Aromafore, an oil Thai lymphatic massage in Kisarazu, Japan.
Meet & Talk
Find Friends
- 03/01Volunteer guides for visitors to the Tibanian are needed for the 7th term !.
- 02/25New members wanted ! Kids who love baseball ⚾ [All Goi Yap Ocean
- 02/25Supporting children who cannot go to school ✨ Volunteer staff wanted ! [Free School Oricos
- 02/15We will have a hands-on brush pen class: ❣️
- 02/15Let's write seasonal postcards using a brush pen !.
- 02/14Healthy mind and body with yoga friends !.
- 02/13Kisarazu Senior Ensemble AQUA Wanted ✨ Join us and enjoy music ? 🎵
- 02/06絵手紙を通して人々を豊かに! 絵が苦手な方でも大歓迎です。【ながら絵手紙風の会】
- 02/06Volunteers wanted to help foreigners learn Japanese !.
- 02/06Local Shared Farm < Daishizen > looking for people to run the farm with us ✨.
Learn & Know
Notification from Municipality
- 03/01広報いちはら3月号を発行【巻頭特集 学校のこれまでとこれから ありがとう寺谷...
- 02/28テレビ放送のお知らせ
- 02/28市原歴史博物館企画展「地域とあゆむ小湊鉄道」の開催と関連イベントのお知らせ
- 02/28接種し忘れた予防接種はありませんか?−3月1日〜7日は子ども予防接種週間です...
- 02/28イノシシ等の一斉駆除の実施について
- 02/28菊間保健福祉センター 浴室休室のお知らせ
- 02/273/4(火)「市長と語ろう!目指せ!いちはらファン500万人〜市原市が目指す...
- 02/27簡単に稼げる副業サイトに注意。
- 02/273/13(木)「オレンジミーティング(認知症本人・家族ミーティング)」開催
- 02/273/2(日)「子どもの居場所春まつり」開催
Discussion Forum
- 10/01In honor of Halloween, tell us about a prank you've experienced !.
- 07/09Favorite Fireworks Display
- 06/10Futtsu City Fireworks Festival
- 05/28Tomi-chan LINE Stamps are now available !.
- 05/28Yachimachi Peanut Marathon
- 05/28Registration System for Volunteer Assistance to Foreign Nationals in Times of Disaster
- 05/28Earthquake-proofing your home with subsidies !.
- 05/28It seems that "Kaiun ! Nakamura Kanteidan", a popular TV program on TV Tokyo, is coming to Shirai!
- 03/20Cherry blossoms in Mobara Park
- 02/15Delicious ramen shops near Chiba Station
- 10/31Recommended photo spots in Chiba Prefecture
- 10/13Naritasan Omotesando "Night Approach Tour
- 10/09There will be a Kilie's Uta Ento LIVE at Crookfields, which will be open to the public on the 13th !.
- 10/02Online reservation start !.
- 10/02Upcoming Events
- 10/02Recommended Gourmet in Shirai City
- 08/25Unimo Chiharadai
- 08/19Target ・ Watch Bird Golf on TV!
- 08/19Hot ! ! (-_-;)
Photo Gallery
- Winter Sea and Fuji
This is the area near Tatsushima Beach, where a monument stands to commemorate the landing place of Yoritomo.
It was a clear winter day with strong wind, and the whitecaps and Mt.
- Winter Farming
This is a scene from the harvesting of the famous Anesaki daikon brand, which is harvested twice a year from October to around June.
Now is the time for the autumn/winter daikon season, when the cold of winter brings out the sweetness and flavor of the daikon.
In addition, this area is called Fukashiro in Ichihara City, where you can see both daikon and Mt.
This is a very popular spot for some photographers because they can take pictures with the fields and daikon cultivation work.Nearby is the Kamakura Highway, famous for the legend of Yoritomo.
- Ume Flower Season
The small ume (Japanese apricot) blossoms have begun to bloom. The small plum blossoms always bloom early.
They are in full bloom against the blue winter sky and are stunning.
- Glowing Louboutin ( Ⅱ )
The waxwings were so beautiful that I enlarged the photo a little.
It was a new discovery for me, as beauty resides in every corner of the flower, which I cannot usually see.
- Glowing Louboutin ( I )
When the Japanese allspice starts to bloom, it gives us a premonition
that various winter flowers will start to bloom in the near future. The petals shine brightly in the winter sun.
By the way, this is a wax flower that bloomed in the photographer's garden.
- Fuji in winter and the sea field and the river and
This is a view of the Tatsushima beach where Yoritomo is said to have landed.
The sea field and
river are beautifully contrasted and picturesque against the vivid winter sunlight of Mt.
- Shining Pansies
Pansies in Sodegaura Park are in full bloom.
They show their beauty for a long period of time from winter to spring.
The winter sun shining behind them makes them even more vivid.
- In the Village of Daffodils
This is a colony of daffodils blooming on a mountain pass near Sakuma Dam.
They shone dazzlingly against the blue winter sky and cherry trees.
It will look beautiful until the time the plum blossoms bloom.
- Shining Winter Flower II
These are also daffodils in the west area. They were shining in the southern sunlight.
- Shining Winter Flowers
Daffodils were blooming beautifully against the blue sky in the west district of Kamogawa City.