Search Keyword: 木更津市 |  481 results | Search time:  0 seconds 

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Step-up seminar to support wom...

First Time Entrepreneurship Counseling Room

Venue 木更津商工会議所 3階研究室
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/7/30
Already ended
Kisarazu City】Train inner musc...

Body Alignment ! Inner Muscle Training with Breathing !
Introducing a new kind of exercise that...

Venue 金田地域交流センター
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/7/27 - 2022/7/27
Already ended
Let's make fireworks with prog...

We will do it again this year !
Let's make fireworks with programming ! "Online Fireworks Displ...

Venue きさてらす(金田交流センター)
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/7/24 - 2022/7/24
Already ended
Blueberry Harvest × Seaweed Pl...

Enjoy a relaxing day with your family ♪.

Venue ブルーベリー農園 のらりくらり
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/7/22 - 2022/7/24
Already ended
Korokoro Club July 15 Let's pl...

We will have water play and watermelon splitting for 0-3 year olds at Kanada Community Exchange Cent...

Venue 木更津金田地域交流センター
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/7/15 - 2022/7/15
Already ended
Kisarazu City】Train inner musc...

Body Alignment ! Inner Muscle Training with Breathing !
Introducing a new kind of exercise that...

Venue 金田地域交流センター
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/7/13 - 2022/7/13
Additional 1 photo
Already ended
Rewarding women who always wor...

Reward the women who always work hard ✨ Have a rewarding time at the old house slow car marche.

Venue 寛傳知(かんでんち)  千葉県木更津市中央2-8-18
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/7/10 - 2022/7/10
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The 5th Sukoyaka Concert

This is a piano storytelling concert for the elderly, featuring a piano duet and solo performance by...

Venue 木更津市立中央公民館3階多目的ホール
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/6/29
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Free of charge ! Boccia Experi...

Mirai Lab staff will teach you the rules and how to play boccia. Let's have fun learning and getting...

Venue きさらづみらいラボ
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/6/26
Already ended
Kisarazu Food Marche

A hands-on food marché that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike

Venue 金田地域交流センター2階調理室
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/6/26 - 2022/6/26
Already ended
Kisarazu City】Train inner musc...

Body Alignment ! Inner Muscle Training with Breathing !
Introducing a new kind of exercise that...

Venue 金田地域交流センター
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/6/22 - 2022/6/22
Already ended
~ Life, Love, and Crime Preven...

Free of charge ! We will have an open meeting with Ms. Manami Noji, a sex education advisor !

Venue 木更津市金田地域交流センター
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/6/18
Already ended
Kamatari Ukiyoe Sculpture Exhi...

This is an exhibition of works by a local circle working on ukiyoe carving, a traditional craft in C...

Venue かずさアカデミホール 2階アートギャラリー
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/6/12 - 2022/6/24
Already ended
Kisarazu City】Train inner musc...

Body Alignment ! Inner Muscle Training with Breathing !
Introducing a new kind of exercise that...

Venue 金田地域交流センター 2階ワークショップ室
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/6/8 - 2022/6/8
Already ended
Station Piano Festival in Chib...

A piano competition will be held for those who pass the qualifying round !.

Venue JR木更津駅自由通路(駅ピアノ設置場所)
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/6/5
Already ended
Programming Course ・ Robot Cou...

Learn programming and robotics at Esta !.

Venue 地域の学びステーション エスタ木更津校・袖ヶ浦校
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/6/4 - 2022/6/25
Already ended
Kisarazu UFO Children's Diner]...

This is a children's cafeteria with a saucer-like observation restaurant as its venue.

Venue KUKULUホテル 屋上レストラン (木更津市富士見3-2-27)
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/5/29
Already ended
Wool Felt Workshop [Making Flu...

This is a workshop where you can experience wool felting.
Even beginners can easily make cute s...

Venue ユニバーサルホーム木更津様(ユニクロ木更津店様隣り)
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/5/28 - 2022/5/28
Already ended
Kisarazu City】Train inner musc...

Body Alignment ! Inner Muscle Training with Breathing !
Introducing a new kind of exercise that...

Venue 金田地域交流センター
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/5/25 - 2022/5/25
Already ended
Kisarazu Minatoguchi One Box U...

It was held as "Kisahon" up to 5 years ago, and since then it is being held again for the 4th time !...

Venue 木更津みなと口・富士見公園(木更津市中央1丁目4)
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/5/22