Show events in March

20 days before event
The 1st Naganuma Yose

Stress Relieving ! Feeling Good ! Good Luck Comes to the Laughing Gate !

Venue 長沼コミュニティセンター
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2025/3/23
13 days before event
Chiba North Wind Ensemble "SPR...

Don't miss this great ensemble of free music ! !.

Address 千葉県 千葉市稲毛区
Date 2025/3/16
Already ended
The 14th All Japan Arpa Compet...

Main Sponsor : All Japan Arpa Competition Executive Committee / Japan Latin American Cultural Exchan...

Venue 千葉市中央区「千葉市文化センターアートホール(3F)」
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2025/3/1
Already ended
The 14th All Japan Arpa Compet...

Main Sponsor : All Japan Arpa Competition Executive Committee / Japan Latin American Cultural Exchan...

Venue 千葉市中央区「千葉市文化センターアートホール(3F)」
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2025/3/1
Already ended
The 14th All Japan Arpa Compet...

Main Sponsor : All Japan Arpa Competition Executive Committee / Japan Latin American Cultural Exchan...

Venue 千葉市中央区「千葉市文化センターアートホール(3F)」
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2025/3/1
Already ended
Yoga under the Starry Sky ☆ "E...

No yoga mat required ! This is gentle yoga !.

Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2025/3/1
Already ended
Free Admission] Astronomy Lect...

First 200 people ・ Application required

Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2025/3/2
12 days before event
Planetarium for High School St...

High school students attending the city's high schools explain

Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2025/3/15
17 days before event
Presentation of a workshop spo...

Enjoy a powerful flamenco stage performance!

Venue 勝浦市芸術文化交流センター キュステ
Address 千葉県 勝浦市
Date 2025/3/20
5 days before event
\ Residents of Chiba City / Th...

The 36 firefighters who normally work in the Fire Brigade ・ EMS ・ Fire Prevention, etc., change into...

Venue 千葉市民会館大ホール
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2025/3/8 - 2025/3/8
6 days before event
Honjo Shujiro Shamisen Perform...

Honjo Shujiro, one of the best shamisen players of his day, who is active both in Japan and abroad, ...

Venue 青葉の森公園芸術文化ホール
Address 千葉県 千葉市 中央区
Date 2025/3/9 - 2025/3/9
6 days before event
Honjo Shujiro Shamisen Perform...

Honjo Shujiro, one of the best shamisen players of his day, who is active both in Japan and abroad, ...

Venue 青葉の森公園芸術文化ホール
Address 千葉県 千葉市 中央区
Date 2025/3/9 - 2025/3/9
13 days before event
American Car Fan Meeting in Ch...

Important holidays with family and friends !.

Venue フェスティバルウォーク蘇我
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2025/3/16
18 days before event
Makuhari Community Center ! "F...

Students who want to study slowly. Please feel free to use it.

Address 千葉県 千葉市花見川区
Date 2025/3/21 - 2025/4/9
Already ended
Disaster Prevention Event] Man...

Let's all be prepared for the "what ifs" that could happen anywhere and at any time !.

Venue 千葉市中央区蘇我コミュニティセンター
Address 千葉県 千葉市中央区
Date 2025/3/2 - 2025/3/2
13 days before event
MaruYuruFest] March 16, 2025 (...

A comfortable festival where you can spend a whole loose time.

Venue 鎌取コミュニティセンター
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2025/3/16 - 2025/3/16
21 days before event
< Free Admission > Ichihara Fl...

Let's play as much as we can ! !.

Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2025/3/23
27 days before event
Everyone's Temple Cafe: Showa ...

Experience Showa-play, picture-story show, and street performance with Mitsuzawa Gucci ! Ohitsu is S...

Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2025/3/30
20 days before event
Protective cat transfer event ...

Let's become a family with a shelter cat !.

Venue 市原市青少年会館 集会室
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2025/3/23
Already ended
Disaster Prevention Camp ~ Let...

well prepared means no worries (in time of need)

Venue 千葉市少年自然の家
Address 千葉県 長生郡長柄町
Date 2025/3/1 - 2025/3/1
27 days before event
Sport Climbing Experience ~ Ch...

Day trip to the climbing wall !.

Venue 千葉市少年自然の家
Address 千葉県 長生郡長柄町
Date 2025/3/30 - 2025/3/30
6 days before event
Sodegaura Shayuukai 10th Comme...

We will be holding our 10th anniversary photo exhibition. We will exhibit 36 free style works includ...

Venue 長浦おかのうえ図書館 1階市民ギャラリー
Address 千葉県 袖ケ浦市
Date 2025/3/9 - 2025/3/22
20 days before event
LuanaMarket20 in Sodegaura tas...

Fresh Vegetables ・ From local food to souvenirs tied up with tourist attractions and a delicious foo...

Venue 袖ヶ浦市 tassoの森
Address 千葉県 袖ケ浦市
Date 2025/3/23 - 2025/3/23
6 days before event
26th Volunteer Charity Show

There will be a fun raffle again this year !.

Venue 袖ケ浦市民会館(昭和交流センター) 大ホール
Address 千葉県 袖ケ浦市
Date 2025/3/9 - 2025/3/9
9 days before event
Keiko Yajima's Hitokata Dolls:...

A stunning work by Keiko Yajima, a doll artist, which will make your heart tremble. The ink pai...

Venue 大谷家具ギャラリー工芸館
Address 千葉県 長生郡
Date 2025/3/12 - 2025/3/23
22 days before event
Akira Nakao Collection Exhibit...

Donated art works will be exhibited along with Mr. Nakao's own works.

Venue 金田地域交流センターきさてらす 会議室1 ・ 会議室2
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2025/3/25 - 2025/3/30
Already ended
Takataki Lakeside Night Festiv...

Let's create wonderful memories together in Takataki!

Venue 高瀧神社、市原湖畔美術館
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2025/3/1
13 days before event
3/16, 3/30 "Kinuta Flea Market...

Kisarazu Station West Exit ・ Flea Market & Flea Live in front of Kinuta statue !
We are looking...

Venue 木更津駅西口・きぬ太像前
Address 木更津市
Date 2025/3/16
11 days before event
★ March English Study Group Ca...

After hearing about Canada, we invite you to join us and discuss your fun Canadian travel plans in E...

Venue 木更津市立中央公民館 第1会議室 (木更津市富士見1-2-1 スパークルシティビル6階)
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2025/3/14 - 2025/3/14
6 days before event
This is all you need to know !...

The lawyer who is well versed in the field of copyright will gently explain the hints to solve your ...

Venue 木更津市立中央公民館 第7会議室
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2025/3/9
26 days before event
5th Boso Festa

Performer Cup held at the same time !.

Venue 内みのわ運動公園
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2025/3/29 - 2025/3/29
20 days before event
23rd 2025. Otanomimi Everybody...

Gather at "Mama ・ Papaland" where everyone's smile overflows ! !.

Venue 君津市周西公民館
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2025/3/23
20 days before event
Futtsun Gourmet Festa

Gathering of local goodies !.

Address 千葉県 富津市
Date 2025/3/23