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  • [Registrant] : 市原警察署
  • [Language]日本語
  • [TEL]0436-41-0110
  • [Location]千葉県 市原市
  • Posted : 2023/10/05
  • Published : 2023/10/05
  • Changed :2023/10/05
  • Total View : 66 persons

Please provide information !

The Ichihara Police Department informs you of the following.
In Ichihara City, there have been many thefts of copper wire and other materials used in solar panels.
In the past, residents have reported
○ Suspicious cars parked on unpopular streets late at night.
○ Unusual cars with out-of-prefecture license plates are wandering around.
○ People or cars were seen heading toward solar panels or construction sites late at night or early in the morning.
There have been cases in which information provided by the public has led to the prevention of damage and the resolution of incidents.
We need your information.
Even if the information is trivial, please call
110 or the Ichihara Police Station at 0436-41-0110
Please provide information.
[Sent from]
Ichihara Police Station, Chiba Prefecture
1965-17 Yawata Kaigandori, Ichihara, 290-0067
TEL 0436-41-0110

Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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