Search Keyword: お祭り |  41 results | Search time:  0 seconds 

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The 14th Ichihara Hawaiian Hul...

Free Admission

Venue 市原市民会館 大ホール
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2024/11/10
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Good Town Chiba Flea Market ! ...

*This month, the event will be held on the third Sunday of the month.

Venue 千葉銀座通り及びその周辺
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2024/10/20 - 2024/10/20
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Midsummer Makuhari Latin Festi...

Please enjoy three days of Latin American food and culture !.

Venue JR海浜幕張駅南口広場、三井アウトレットパーク 幕張
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2024/8/30 - 2024/9/1
Additional 2 photos
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Announcement of "Temple de Mar...

We will have workshops and miscellaneous goods for sale at the temple. Please feel free to drop by !...

Venue 本門佛立宗(ほんもんぶつりゅうしゅう)廣全寺(こうぜんじ)君津別院
Address 君津市
Date 2024/8/24 - 2024/8/24
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Summer Vacation ! Yoga for Par...

Children who are still unable to control their emotions will be able to relax and unwind with...

Venue ウエルシアコミュニケーションセンター エレベーター前(市原市南国分寺4-1-1 ウエルシア市原国分寺台店2階)
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2024/8/23
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The 49th Chiba Summer Festival...

Chiba City's midsummer tradition has arrived again this year ! !.

Venue 千葉市中央公園及び周辺エリア
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2024/8/17 - 2024/8/18
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Terayatsu Summer Festival

We want to create lasting memories for everyone in the Teratani area, where the school will close ne...

Venue 寺谷小学校 市原市寺谷687-1
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2024/8/4 - 2024/8/4
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Summer Festival at Mt.

\ It's summer /\ It's a festival /
Summer festival at Mt. Ota play park will be held at...

Venue 太田山公園自由広場・展望広場
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2024/8/3 - 2024/8/3
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[Mystery Solving Event] Ninja ...

This time, the stage for solving riddles is a ninja school !
Solve the riddles and try to pass ...

Venue 太田山公園 自由広場(千葉県木更津市太田2-16)
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2024/8/3 - 2024/8/3
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Nakago Fureai Summer Festival ...

Spend one summer day and night in a festive atmosphere ? There will be a raffle and a mini-game chal...

Venue 木更津市立中郷小学校校庭および体育館
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2024/7/27 - 2024/7/27
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The 11th Friendship Festa

Community Contribution&International Cultural Exchange Events

Venue 千葉朝鮮初中級学校 運動場
Address 千葉県 千葉市花見川区
Date 2024/6/2 - 2024/6/2
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HITONOWAFES in Sodegaura Seasi...

5/25, go to HITONOWAFES ! !
This event is the ultimate in fun ! ! URA ART FES is the theme this...

Venue 袖ケ浦海浜公園センターストリート
Address 千葉県 袖ケ浦市
Date 2024/5/25 - 2024/5/25
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Kemigawa Cherry Blossom Festiv...

We will keep you updated through our website and Instagram.

Venue 検見川神社境内~東参道
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2024/3/20 - 2024/3/31
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The sound of Japanese drums an...

from the five musicians
of the dais
two men
who sound not to be underesti...

Venue 萬花園
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2024/3/3
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November 19] 17th Naganuma Com...

Annual community festival ♪

Venue 稲毛区長沼コミュニティセンター
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2023/11/19 - 2023/11/19
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Fun festival where men and wom...

We are preparing to make the community center a place where local residents, from young children to ...

Venue 長浦公民館、長浦おかのうえ図書館(視聴覚室)
Address 千葉県 袖ケ浦市
Date 2023/11/18 - 2023/11/19
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The 13th Hawaiian Hula Festiva...

Free Admission

Venue 市原市民会館 大ホール
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2023/11/12
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The 40th Makuhari Community Ce...

The big event of the year ! This is a place for circles to showcase their work.
This year's com...

Venue 幕張コミュニティセンター 「体育館」「ロビー」「駐車場」
Address 千葉県 千葉市花見川区
Date 2023/11/12 - 2023/11/12
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Chiba Prefecture Local Cuisine...

This is a popular cooking class at the museum. We will make two big and cute futomaki matsuri sushi....

Venue 幕張コミュニティセンター 2F 「料理実習室」
Address 千葉県 千葉市花見川区
Date 2023/10/14 - 2023/10/14
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ceremony held to pray for good...

I want to create a lasting memory for everyone in the Teratani Elementary School community, whi...

Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2023/10/9 - 2023/10/9