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  • Registrant : 市原市企画部総合計画推進課
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2022/11/04
  • Published : 2022/11/04
  • Changed :2022/11/04
  • Total View : 1228 persons
2022/12/10 - 2022/12/10 / 千葉県 市原市 / Seasonal / Occasion

Ichihara City Human Rights ・ Gender Equality Forum Held

In order to realize a city where human rights are respected and all citizens, regardless of gender, can fully demonstrate their individuality and abilities in society and live their lives as they wish, a forum on human rights and gender equality will be held in ICHIHARA. The forum will include presentations of human rights essays by junior high school students, awards for human rights posters by elementary ・ junior high school students, and a rakugo storytelling and lecture by DANHIME ROSENO ( and MARUKO TSUJINO ) on the theme "Be like a woman, be like a man, be like yourself" to discuss how to live without being bound by stereotypes of gender roles and responsibilities.

1 Program
( 1 ) First Part 13 : 00 ~ 13 : 40
① Introduction of Activities of Various Organizations
Ichihara Chamber of Commerce Women's Association
Ichihara City Gender Equality Society
Chiba Human Rights Defenders Council Ichihara Branch
② Junior High School Student Human Rights Essay Presentation
③ Small ・ Junior High School Student Human Rights Poster Award
( 2 ) Part II 13 : 55 ~ 15 : 30
Rakugo and Lecture by DANHIME RENO
Theme : "Not like a woman, not like a man, be yourself"
2 Capacity
450 people ( Advance registration ・ First come, first served ). *If seats are available, admission on the day will be possible.
3 Admission
4 How to apply
Apply by postcard, fax, or application form on the city website, including the following information.
( 1 ) Event Name ( Human Rights ・ Gender Equality Forum )
( 2 ) Name of Representative
( 3 ) Phone
( 4 ) Number of applicants
( 5 ) Special notes Please indicate if you use a wheelchair, need a sign language interpreter or transcriptionist, or
wish to use childcare services.
*Care service is available for up to 10 ( children from 6 months old to preschool age ).
5 Application deadline
November 20 ( Day )
6 Sponsor
Human Rights ・ Gender Equality Forum Executive Committee, Ichihara City, Ichihara City Board of Education
7 Other
If circumstances require changes or cancellation due to circumstances, it will be announced on the city website.

Application ・ Contact
Ichihara City Hall Comprehensive Planning Promotion Division
290 - 8501 Ichihara City Kokubunjidai Chuo 1 - 1 - 1
TEL : 0436 - 23 - 9820
FAX : 0436 - 21 - 1720
Venue Ichihara Shimin Kaikan Small Hall ( Sosha 1, Ichihara City - 1 - 1 ) 1
Address 290-0075 千葉県 市原市
Date 2022/12/10 - 2022/12/10
Time 13:00 minute(s) - 15:30 minute(s)
Time detail ( 12 : 00 doors open )
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