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  • [Registrant]就労支援B型 なっぷ袖ケ浦事業所
  • [TEL]+81-70-8465-3617
  • [Address]
  • 299-0224 千葉県 袖ケ浦市 吉野田475
  • Posted : 2024/11/01
  • Published : 2024/11/05
  • Changed: 2024/11/05
  • Total View : 1269 persons
Professional / Introduction

We support independence at your own pace while getting to know the soil and vegetables🍀.

Nappu Sodegaura Office" providing continuous employment support type B service mainly for organic vegetable cultivation in Sodegaura !

We work in contact with nature at 10:00 ~ 16 : 00.

Work is not only outdoors, but also indoor work such as bagging and design training !

○Outdoor work ○
・ Growing organic vegetables
・ Assisting in livestock farming

○Indoor Work ○
・ Bagging
・ Wrapping
・ Design training

We also provide transportation and lunch, depending on the situation.
You can work at your own pace in a warm environment ♪

If you are interested, we also offer tours and trials.

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