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Christmas mini-marche at Satoyama Cafe FLIPFLAP in Uehara, Ichihara City. How about an adult Christmas with live Irish harp music ??
Handmade accessories and small goods that bring Christmas cheer will be on sale, and workshops such as Christmas wreath making and pastel art will also be held.
Please come and visit us.
Venue | 171-1 Uehara, Ichihara-shi, Chiba, Japan Satoyama Cafe FLIPFLAP |
Address | 290-0243 千葉県 市原市上原171-1 上高根1292-149(高垣 知子様) |
Date | 2023/12/17 - 2023/12/17 |
Time | 9:00 minute(s) - 20:00 minute(s) |
Time detail | Handmade marché and workshops from 9:00 a.m. Live Irish harp music from 11:00 and 1:30 p.m. Dinner time with special menu from 6:00 p.m. ( Reservations required ). |
Getting here | kokudou297号を市原市内方面から牛久方面に進み、水神下交差点を過ぎたら左手に見える山地直売所の前の道を左折して道なり。看板を目印においでください |
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